Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Patch Tuesday Debugged - Computer World Blog

A quick post today - but, you will see that I have been busy. Though of course, I am very, very busy at work - I also get an opportunity to post for a blog in Computer world.

You can usually find my Computer World posts here: http://blogs.computerworld.com/user/greg-lambert

The ComputerWorld blog is called "Patch Tuesday Debugged". The blog focussing on some of the issues or "stories" that surround and involve Microsoft's Patch Tuesday Security updates and GDR releases. It's likely that I will also start to include Adobe and JAVA updates as well given the recent nature and frequency of their updates.

You can read the latest post here: http://blogs.computerworld.com/windows/22341/lone-critical-update-fixes-all-versions-internet-explorer

This posting attempts to cover some of details behind each Microsoft security update as well describe the issue that Microsoft is attempting to resolve.


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