Thursday 16 June 2016

June Patch Tuesday delivers five critical updates and (hopefully) the end of QuickTime

A few months ago, we saw the end of Oracle JAVA Plugin support, and now we see the end of QuickTime with the call to remove it from your systems. If only we could get rid of Adobe Flash. For this June Patch Tuesday, we won’t see an update to Adobe Flash from Microsoft, but we may see an update from Adobe later this month. With 16 updates for June, we already have enough to worry about. Microsoft has released five critical updates and the remaining 11 patches are rated as important, covering a total of 44 vulnerabilities. This month looks like a pretty straightforward update cycle, with some very targeted updates from Microsoft which should have a low to moderate risk for deployment.

You can also read about Patch Tuesday from Chris Goettl's blog found here.  Chris also products a great infographic each month that summarises Patch Tuesday that is definitely worth a look.

You can read more about this Patch Tuesday on the Computer World column found here.

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