Friday, 7 November 2014

November Patch Tuesday Preview

It looks like Microsoft is about to release one of its largest number of Patch Tuesday security updates with 16 patches. Microsoft has rated five patches as critical, nine patches as important and the remaining two updates as moderate. It looks like we have great coverage of all the Microsoft products this month. All of the currently released Microsoft desktop server platforms are affected as well Internet Explorer, the .NET enmvironment  and Microsoft Office. As we have seen before, updates to the .NET framework are difficult to debug and may require a rigorous testing profile for affected applications.

In addition to this large batch of updates, Microsoft may also have to release an Out of Band (OOB) update to secure a vulnerability in Microsoft's OLE technology. This vulnerability allows specially crafted Power Point files to allow an attack to have the same rights and security privileges as the logged on user. I would also expect an update from Adobe this month. 

You can find the latest Microsoft security advisory here.

To read more about these patches and updates from Adobe and Google,  you find my Patch Tuesday blog postings on the Computer World site here.

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