Monday, 21 January 2013

Application Compatibility Webinar for Windows 8

** Reminder**  I will be working with Greg Shields tomorrow to discuss application compatibility on Windows 8. We have some great questions lined up that relate directly to migration and application compatibility issues faced when migrating to Windows 7 and Windows 8... I hope that you can join us.
Tuesday, January 22, 2:00 p.m. EST/11:00 a.m. PST
Join us for a live webcast on January 22 nd with Dell’s ChangeBASE product evangelist, Greg Lambert, and industry IT expert Greg Shields to discuss the potential application compatibility challenges when migrating to Windows 8.  

And, in addition we have the following upcoming webcasts (both live and record):

January 23rd - Delivering Applications & Managing Configurations in the User Environment -

January 30 th - Take Help Desk Further and Go Beyond Ticket Tracking -

On-demand webcast:

1 comment:

Joseph@ shul software said...

Really a great and much informative blogpost in regards to the updated on the Windows.