Wednesday 29 February 2012

Windows 8 Consumer Preview (BETA) is here!

I am travelling at the moment, and not close to a proper (read wired) internet connection, but all of you who are at your desks should download the latest update to the Windows 8 release schedule - the Widows 8 Consumer Preview. From what I can tell, its a BETA release of Windows 8 but has been branded as a "Consumer Preview". 

I am really excited about this release of Windows, as we are now closer to a Production release and access to some of the new features offered by this Consumer Preview including;

Windows Store: The Microsoft Windows store is included in this Consumer Preview, with access to downloadable applications and access to several pre-loaded applications. I am sure that over the next few months, Microsoft will use these pre-loaded applications to test out the update process. So, watch out for new additions to the Windows store and application updates as Microsoft tests out this new application installation, update and potentially uninstallation process.

Cloud Syncing: With this release of Windows 8, you will be able to synchronise your Windows mobile and PC using the updated Microsoft Skydrive as a cloud storage and synchronization platform.

New Metro Applications: As part of the Consumer Preview for Windows 8, you will also to get to try out the new Metro style apps for Mail, Calendar, People, Messaging, Photos, and SkyDrive.

Internet Explorer 10 - Platform Preview Version 5: The latest iteration of Microsoft's web browser, specifically designed for Windows 8 and the new Metro design language. This version will build on the good work completed in Internet Explorer 9 and will make good use of graphic accelerators and a fast JavaScript engine.

So, if things go well, and this release gets some solid, positive feedback, we may see a full release of Windows 8 in time for the holiday season. 

You can download the Microsoft Consumer Preview here:


Steven Sinofsky's Blog: Welcome to Windows 8 - The Consumer Preview

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