Monday 6 December 2010

Plane time Reading

It has been known for some time now, that I am in the possession of an iPad. Apparently, it's great for photos, games and bunch of other stuff. However, I am very happy with it as an e-reader at the moment. In fact, for crowded environments (I have long legs) which includes almost all public transport (planes, trains, other peoples automobiles) it probably is the perfect form factor (back-lighting is key here).

So, I thought that I would mention the  latest e-book I have just read, very kindly sent to me by Geeta at Packt Publishing.

It's called Least Privilege Security for Windows 7, Vista, XP and it seems to cover desktop security and the technical requirements involved in getting applications deployed in a Secure Windows 7 desktop environment pretty well.

Here is a brief overview of the areas, this book covers;

  • Implement Least Privilege Security in Windows 7, Vista and XP to prevent unwanted system changes
  • Achieve a seamless user experience with the different components and compatibility features of Windows and Active Directory
  • Mitigate the problems and limitations many users may face when running legacy applications
  • Distribute applications, updates and ActiveX Controls to least privilege users with Group Policy, application virtualization and the ActiveX Installer Service
  • Ensure reliable remote access for IT administrators to support users by configuring support features and firewall access

You can have a look here: 

This is of course a blatant plug for a book, but hey, if you are reading this blog, this e-book is probably pretty interesting for you as well.

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