Thursday 6 October 2011

AOK Browse-It for Firefox Launched!

They say that you should try to learn something new every day. And I have to say that within my world at ChangeBASE that is usually the case. I’m always astounded at the things I learn, see and experience on my travels and when working with partners and customers.

One thing that has really stood out for me this year has been the increase of multi-browser deployment within organisations. It reinforces the fact that the growth of web applications and use of the internet is rapidly enveloping our daily working lives. It also provisions a more versatile approach to the IT environment which is always a good thing.

Today we launched AOK browse-It for Firefox. Much has been written about Mozilla Firefox and in both my experience and via evidence of the usage analysis, Firefox is the second most popular browser to Internet Explorer holding over26%  market share. This is why our development team decided to develop the AOK Browse-It plug-in alongside the IE9 plug-in for our award winning solution.

The AOK Browse-It for Firefox plug-in ensures Firefox compatibility for web applications. It quickly and accurately identifies the six key areas of compatibility including;

  • Proprietary Internet Explorer calls and functions
  • Non-standard HTML functions and event calls
  • Non-compliant CSS functions and calls
  • DOM model quirks and non supported functions
  • JavaScript standards compliance
  • Plug-in manager component and configuration compatibility

So have a look, I believe that the multi-browser environment is here to stay and Firefox plays a major role in that.

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