Monday 22 September 2008

I can't believe that I am writing this blog entry on SQL Server.  I am not a hard-core Db guy, more of one of those engineering types who looks on the Database Administrators  with some scepticism and occasional bouts of devout worship when I am really in trouble with some deep, dark and scary SQL query.

I wanted to comment on a few things that seem to break when moving from SQL Server 2005  to SQL Server 2008. I was really surprised to discover that the latest version of Microsoft's SQL Server (2008) breaks some applications - particularly upon connection to the server. There are a number of security changes, which should be expected and can be found here:

But, I was surprised to find that my existing/installed  version of  SQL Server Management Studio  would not connect to a fresh install of SQL Server 2008. 

A quick scan of the net, and there appears to be a few issues with compatibility of the new SQL server release including;

and for a great BLOG on the topic, visit the Scalability Experts tremendous effort located at: 

If you are looking for a solution to the Management Studio connection  issue, Microsoft has released a  helpful KB article on the topic ( ) and subsequently have released a hotfix;

I recommend that you install Service Pack 2 as well. SQL Server 2005 SP2 can be found here: 

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