Saturday 12 July 2008

Microsoft has recently updated the Group Policy objects (GPO's) for managing Windows Vista. These GPO's are essential for managing the security and local machine configuration for Vista and for the general day-to-day management of the platform.

There is now a new download (VistaADMX- RTM.msi) located here:

This update includes approximately 2500 registry settings and is composed of a number of ADMX files (XML files with the Group Policy object name and the registry settings).

Our team had a quick review of the Group Policy settings and the corresponding registry changes and decided to build a WorkBench Plug-in that scans for each of these settings.

We thought, it would be "bad practice" for an application package to change or update these core local machine and user settings. This new Plug-in analyses each application package for entries that match the registry settings contained within these 2500+ GPO reference and if an item is detected an automated clean-up solution is provided.

The Vista Group Policy Analysis scan is now available for download under the Downloads section of the website and is included with the 1.06 Release of the Platform Integrity Report Pack.

To learn more about Group Policy objects refer to the following links;

Step by Step guide for Managing ADMX files And Deploying Group Policy using Windows Vista

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